Zwischen zwei Welten - Cover

Zwischen zwei Welten (audio)

Quetsch 'n' Vibes

 10,00 15,00

Steirische Harmonika meets vibraphone – Quetsch ‘n’ Vibes combines two opposing musical worlds. In this duo the Austrian folk music fuses with the jazzy sound of the vibraphone. Out of this combination rises a river full of new sounds and colours.

But Johannes Kölbl and Leonhard Waltersdorfer do not just play Steirische Harmonika and vibraphone on their CD. With more than 25 different instruments (from handpan to bass-ukulele) the two musicians exploit their full creative potential and create new combinations of many different sounds.

Johannes Kölbl: Steirische Harmonike, percussion
Leonhard Waltersdorfer: vibraphone, marimba, percussion

total playing time: 47:48 minutes
released on 2017/05/19 on the label “Kunsträume Records”
EAN-Code: 0683121799956

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CD / mp3

CD + mp3 download, mp3 download only
